Swan Bay Warehouse Addition

15,300sf Addition to the Lynden Air Cargo Warehouse
Construction Manager: $3.3 M

On December 17th, 2008, Benchmark Construction broke ground on the Swan Bay Warehouse Addition. The project contains operations of Lynden Air Cargo, Lynden International, and Movers Inc. This ambitious and innovative project received its Certificate of O-cupancy a mere 20 weeks later.

During this remarkably brief span, Benchmark Construction overcame logistical, engineering and design challenges by focusing on the company's proven strengths: The ability to plan innovatively, a flexible and adaptive approach that allows implementing original technical solutions, and a management style that relies foremost on a commitment to maintaining clear and accessible channels of communication among all parties involved.

Besides the normal challenges facing any construction project taking place concurrently with normal client operation occurring in adjacent spaces, not-ing required as much logistical preplanning as the fact that initial dirt work on Swan Bay had to commence in mid-winter.

Swan Bay Warehouse
Swan Bay Warehouse<